Saturday 11 June 2011

Khador Plastic Warjack - Nearly Finished

So managed to get back to some painting after a little sojourn into europe.  I've cracked on an done my best to get the warjack I started a VERY long time ago to a point where i'm hoping I can fit in finishing over the weekend between work and the watching the Canadian Grand Prix.  After getting some basecoats down with the airbrush, as well as some pre-shading, I went back to my trusty paint brushes to continue what I started.  The photos are just taken on my desk under daylight from the window, but they give you a rough idea of where i'm up to here.

Without further ado here's the photos:

So i've still got the axe blade to do as well as the "bonnet hatch" handle.  I'm going to do some work on the piping either side of the boiler.  weathering wise i'll be adding some rust, chipping and some soot in the appropriate places.  I suppose I should build it's base at some point as well lol

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